Personal Work

I studied traditional illustration and photography before I became a designer and I still practice when I can. I'm still hungry to improve, and while my biggest source of creative frustration is a botching drawing, it's also one of the most rewarding things when it goes right.

Graphite drawing, woman's face in three quarter view
Graphite drawing, woman's face with hair obscuring one eye
Graphite drawing, woman's face in profile with her hair up
Graphite drawing, woman looking to the side
Graphite drawing, woman with hair up in a turtleneck looking straight ahead
Graphite drawing, woman with long blonde hair looking straight ahead
Pen & ink drawing, woman in collared shirt, three quarter view
Pen & ink drawing, woman with long hair in choker necklace, looking straight ahead
Pen & ink drawing, woman with long hair, eyes closed in a black shirt turned to the side
Ilustration of a Falcon with its talons up and wings spread
Drawings of ClapTrap from the Borderlands video game franchise
Painting of a male cardinal perched on a branch
Graphite & charcoal drawing, woman's face close up looking straight ahead
Ink & marker sketch, woman turned to the side looking back toward the viewer
Pen & ink drawing, woman with black hair and eyes closed looking slightly upwards
Ink & marker sketch of girl in close-up, eyes closed in white shirt, three quarter view
Ink & marker illustration of girl with hoop earrings, teal hair in a teal and chartreuse striped blouse, leaning forward
Mixed media sketch of woman in black dress, back turned
Pen & ink sketch of woman in black dress with one hand on her head and the other on her hip, eyes closed
Drawing of a grimacing Emma Watson with an expressionless emoji thought bubble
Ink & marker sketch of a young woman with a yellow chick on here shirt, looking forward
Light graphite sketch of a woman in three quarter view with her hair up
Graphite drawing, woman with long hair in profile
Graphite drawing, woman with hair up, looking down and slightly over her shoulder
Graphite drawing, woman with long hair in profile
Graphite sketch, woman with long hair and bangs in three quarter view
Graphite sketch, woman with head tilted, looking straight ahead
Graphite sketch, looking up at a woman in profile
Oil painting, woman in green shirt with long black hair, looking straigt ahead
Acrylic painting, brown haired woman in blue coat looking skyward